Monday, February 15, 2010


In China, they just call it New Years.

Every year my dad makes this "hot pot" to celebrate the new year. I'm still eating vegetarian, so he was nice enough to get a pot with a divider so I could cook vegetables and tofu on one side.


  1. i have no idea how you were able to resist that heaping plate o' meats. mmmmmmmmmm.

  2. oh how i envy you guys with your new fangled ELECTRIC pot... it took derf over half an hour to get the charcoal going for our dinner, if you include the time we spent waiting for the initial smoke to dissipate. but at least this year we were smart enough to start it up OUTSIDE the house, then bring it in after it was ready.

  3. I think that grill is propane fuled or something like that. I know that there wasn't a cord for me to accidentally melt on the burner anyway. My dad is all about the cutting edge of hot pot technology.
