Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Nicole is a Starbucks person (addict), as well as an iPhone user (cult member). As such, she has the app which allows for the instantaneous reloading of her "special for people who are there a lot" giftcard. For months now, the app can also produce a barcode which can be quickly scanned to expedite transactions. This barcode, however, only worked in select stores in places that are not here...until now. Target stores are now integrated into the system, so tonight we went to one to try it out. We were the first people to try it at this location, and even with the instructions the employees were provided, it took both Starbucks and Target people to figure out how to make it work. Technology rules.

We also got Nicole a diy bouncy ball set. As a huge fan of things she can slap around the house, which we could potentially step on and break our necks with, Sienna wanted to make one too.

Spring is coming and filling my yard with flower petals.


  1. I'm kinda jealous of the DIY bouncy ball set. I was unaware of the existence of such a thing. I think a trip to Target is in my near future...
