Friday, February 4, 2011


I eat at/blog about Melt too much I know, but today I had an unbelievable sandwich even from them. This is what a sandwich with eggs, bacon, cheese and waffles for bread...dipped in pancake batter and deep fried looks like.

So clearly, I'm crazy and obsessive about things like Melt. I'm aware and resigned to this fact. I'm also crazy and obsessive about a bunch other things. Since I'm just staying in this Friday night to rest up and not be's a short macro tour of weird things I'm into. These are just a few things that were around and easy to take pictures of...there are many more.

Selvedge denim (pictured above) - This finished edge along the seam is the indication of an esoteric weaving process that no one on earth but textile nerds really care about. To everyone normal, they're just jeans. I care.

Polarized lenses - Just like a polarizing filter for a camera, this little P is supposed to magically block reflection and glare and help you see though walls. I sure hope it's all true for how much I paid for the little guy.

Patterened wovens - I own far too many variations of the same plaid, gingham, check, whatever shirts. They almost all have the nerdy little detail on the sleeve. I like this.

Gripper strap - my new Domke bag has little bits of rubber woven into the underside of the strap so it doesn't slip off your shoulder. I feel that this is in contention for one of the greatest inventions ever, and that this feature alone will make me a life long Domke user.

Random old stuff - If you've read this blog at all before you already know this about me.

Grey dots, orange middles, and Prestos - If you know, then you know. They each have their own time and place.

Camera lenses with 1:1.x f-stops - Nothing gets me all worked up like fast primes...I want to be buried with mine when I die.

This is a really strange one (don't judge me) - Ever since we got our first cat Sienna, I've been in the habit of collecting shed whiskers. Now that we have two cats, we get both black and white.

Bonus: Since I'm putting myself on blast, Nicole has awesome little quirky collections too. Here's just one that I saw as I was running around documenting mine.

Movie tickets - This is the stub for every movie Nicole and I saw together since we've known each other (except for whatever is still in her purse). These are all stored in a metal container that Nicole made by hand in college. Not only are her collections superior and thorough, they're far more organized.

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