Monday, July 19, 2010


We drove (note crazy guy biking a mountain in 100+ degree weather) up part of Mt. Lemmon to see suarao cactus. Look it's a cactus. I'm fully aware that this is the equivalent of someone coming to the midwest and taking pictures of every leafy tree they see, but I'm alright with that...I've never seen so many cactus. Then we stopped and ate crepes from a truck before riding a ski lift up to the top of Mt. Lemmon (9,157 feet above sea-level according to Wikipedia). We then hiked back down to crepe-level but I was too busy looking around and not falling off the side of a mountain to take any good pictures. Here's Nicole being a bear and a horned toad we found. Nicole's brother and I climbed a huge pile of rocks (Where's Waldo), and these guys looked very Arizona to me.

Then we went to see another sunset. Looking at sunsets really is a worth while activity out here. One more.

After dinner and gelato, we went back to the house to walk around the yard and look for more spiders and scorpions in the back yard. On the way back, I though I saw the flashlight beam pass over something suspicious in the rocks along the path. It ended up being this guy with his head up ready to bite Nicole's dad in the leg. I managed to scream "is that a snake?!" (frightened little girl voice) fast enough for Nicole's dad to jump out of striking distance. Of all the crazy/stupid/scary things I've done, that instance introduced me to a whole new realm of other-worldy teffied.

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