Saturday, July 31, 2010


I started the day with this and it just kept getting better from there. I hung out under a bridge with my friend Steve and the homie above. Then Victor tattooed Steve and Joel put stickers on my brother-in-law. Look how happy they both were. It was smiles all around. Really, my niece Lily was getting tattooed by Joel.

Friday, July 30, 2010


I saw a Transformer coming home from work. Then it was off to the wonderland of Erie, PA to see friends like Joel and the skateboard show closing party.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


It's really kind of gross how frequently I eat at Melt, but tonight wasn't my fault I swear. We were down the street and Nicole really wanted to get I would ever say no to that. As soon as we walked in, I quickly remembered that we had accidentally walked into their Project Runway viewing party and the place was even more crazy than normal. There were tons of complimentary mini cupcakes, skeezy dudes trying to holler at wannabe fashionistas, and lots of people watching the premiere of Valerie Mayen on Project Runway. We went to the same college and she graduated a year before I did. I guess she was at the restaurant but I didn't even try to track her down since I doubt she would have remembered me and I would have felt like a creeper. The mini cupcakes were definitely more interesting to Nicole than the show was.

This is a pretty accurate double exposure of what bedtime looks like.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I'm pretty sure they're building a pagan temple in the parking lot behind my office.


Nicole and I eat like children left home alone with no baby sitter...except we own the house. Speaking of the house, we finished the cabinet that Nicole was spraypainting this weekend and put it in the fancy room. I quickly filled it with shrines to my cameras (and by it, I mean both the cabinet specifially and the fancy room in general).

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I think I caught insomina on vacation. I hope it goes away soon.

Monday, July 26, 2010


We woke up bright and around noon, and Nicole put on her Sunday's best to go to Home Depot. Really, we were tipped off by my co-worker (hi Jen!), and went to brunch at Le Petit Triangle Cafe. We eat in this area all the time, but hadn't been to this restaurant before. As a connoisseur of crepes and breakfast foods in general, this is now one of Nicole's favorite weekend spots. I'm sure I'll be posting a lot more pictures from this patio in the future. This is totally just a "look what my lens can do!" picture.

Then we went sight seeing around places we go all the time. Look, there's houses, and stores, and industry, and stuff everywhere.

Then we looked a more antique things, and fancy stuff. We go to the same antique stores so much that we've become familiar with all the people and cats that work at the stores. This cat was even on my blog before when I took pictures of it with my Leica on January 31st (it's a very photogenic cat). Today, I was also interested in heads and manniquins. Then we went to the craft store in preperation for various house projects.

The first project was to launch Nicole's tough-guy graffiti career. Really she wanted to finish painting a cabinet I started months ago but never finished (note: she spraypaints with two hands and her thumb like a little kid). The big project was to replace the hooks and hang the stack of framed butterflies that have been piled up in our house since last year. We plan to grow the collection into a huge, asymmetrical, Barry McGee-esque cluster over time. We also put up the new cat song Nicole got this weekend. She also got this Italian phone this weekend. We're quckly on our way to having the girliest house in the neighbourhood.


There was pretty stuff in the yard. Then we went to look at antiques. I found antique punk rock, and antique graffiti, but there's no such thing as antique vegetarianism. People back then weren't as considerate about animals. Nicole got her hair done. Then we saw this on the way home.

Friday, July 23, 2010


Alright, who put Jesus in the claw machine? You guys know he doesn't like confined spaces. Someone better get him out before Easter comes around and he just lets himself out.

On the way to lunch we saw the movie Tremors but for real.

We went out into an eerie night and braved a monsoon to go to the second annual Ingenuity bridge party event thing. We went to the first one last year and really enjoyed it, but thanks to a tip from our friends we found out that this year's was way more fundraiser and way less fun. So we just went out to fun bars instead. On the way back to our cars at the end of the night, we saw this super creepy van parked down the street all by itself. In an overly excited rush of questionable judgement, we charged to van to discover what they were up to. This is what we found. An incredibly dedicated "cat lady" driving around feeding a herd of stray cats in a thunderstorm (there were tons more, but most of them ran away before I could take any pictures). I guess she has a circut and regularly visits various "colonies" of cats throughout the area. Needless to say we were excited beyond words about this...I'm surprised we don't have fleas now.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Sometimes my job gets cool stuff for people to look at. This is a new crazy 3d projector thing that shoots hologram animations.


My commuting drive is pretty boring now. I wish we had saguaro cacti.

Everyone wears hats at this bar.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Does this picture inception you into thinking about cat faces?

NOT REALLY A SPOILER ALERT: This doesn't really give anything away, but don't click here if you're worried about that sort of stuff.

Here are some assorted vacation snapshots from the little plastic camera I got for Nicole. I just grabbed a few random ones that I liked a lot, but they were all pretty awesome. I actually prefer the lo-fi aesthetic of these over some of the pictures I took of the same stuff. I think we're going to put them in an album.

Border Patrol checkpoint
Mt. Lemmon
Me as a cactus
Road Warrior
All I ever really want to do with my life
Skully Sedona
Viva Las Vegas


This is me sitting on my couch doing absolutely nothing but watching SyFy shows on the DVR and loving life.


We flew all night until the sun came up in Chicago. Then we flew some more. Then we got home and slept.


After crepes for breakfast, Nicole cashed out a big $20.00 winner. I won 45¢ on my last dollar game, so I guess I left up. Then we went to visit the Pawn Stars TV show set. None of the cast was there, but there were more tourists here than on the strip...all jammed into a building the size of my living room. Nicole actually almost bought something, but they were selling antique rings at TV show prices, so we left to look down the street. The shops that aren't on TV aren't quite as busy. Then we saw this sign and got married again. We honeymooned in Old Vegas. Old Vegas is cool. It's grimier and a little trashier than the strip and has more character. I like that about it. We saw the Partridge Family again and it reminded me of Tuscon. We also saw my friend from Tuscon I got the tattoo of. Then we left Las Vegas to do this all night. Nicole saw another old friend flying out of the airport.


After my first night of sleeping in a real bed in a week, I woke up here. We ventured out into the hotel, and ate at an all-you-can-eat cotton candy and fortune cookie buffet. Then we went to see a stripper and do tourist stuff. We got sucked into a swirling vortex of shopping, walking, and looking at things. Nicole played every cat related slot machine we saw while I got in trouble for taking pictures in casinos. Then we went to Wynn's main theater to see Le Reve. I didn't take any pictures of the show because they told us it would make the performers die, but it was really incredible. Unfortunately, this is all you get to see. Obvious Vegas tourist must. Nicole got to eat more seafood than what's left in the Gulf Coast. Then we got to watch this classy gal "dance" while we played 1¢ slots all night.


On the road again for a day in the car headed North and West. We stopped to see Montezuma's Castle, drove through places like this, pulled off the road in Sedona, took more pictures in Sedona, looked at skulls in Sedona, drove up windy mountain roads, saw Oak Creek Canyon, climbed on a huge giant hole in the ground, drove on some road named Route 66, and drove past bed time. Nicole was very excited to see the Hoover Dam because she's a huge nerd and her favorite movie ever is Fools Rush In. It was the equivalent of me visiting the Death Star (which makes me an even bigger nerd).

Finally, after a long and eventful day in the car, we made it to Las Vegas. These are Nicole's "first time ever seeing the strip" faces. We checked into our hotel room before embarking on a marathon tour up and down the strip.

Monday, July 19, 2010


This is South Mountain in Phoenix, Arizona. I'm told that these TV and radio towers are iconic to the South Side area we stayed in. The top of the mountain also provides a pretty awesome view of Phoenix and the sprawling areas around it.

After South Mountain, we paid a visit to this gentleman. He keeps an year-round, outdoor display of his collection.

Then, guided by my old friend Brandon and my new friend Alex, it was on to Superstition Mountain and the Lost Dutchman's Mine. Also, I've been saving little bits of fancy slide film for special occasions like this. I was very excited to use it.

So one of my big goals for my Arizona trip was to pan for gold. I consider myself pretty realistic in regard to what I'm good and not good at. I quickly learned that panning for gold is definitely on the list of things that I am not good at. If I were a prospector back in that period, I would end up working in a brothel. I did manage to find the bits of garnet they sprinkle in so you don't feel bad about youself when you've thrown away all your gold.

Continuing my taking-pictures-of-cactus-which-are-really-just-trees trend, here's another one. This one is sensitive to vibration and spits barbed needles in the direction of your motion. More cactus/getting burned by shooting film. Speaking of burn, it was really hot.

I think this picture is saying something political, but I'm not quite sure what. This one isn't.

Then we went to the West-coast exclusive fine dining establishment of In-N-Out Burger for lunch. Nicole seemed to like it. I don't know if she would have liked this or not. I'm guessing not.

Then I got a chance go to Immaculate and get a tattoo of the friend I made in Tucson from the homie Mando Rascon. Then we had our last night in Phoenix.


This morning, we found that the partridge family had lost some of its younger members in a drainage ditch they couldn't jump out of. We helped catch them and let them back in yard where they could run around. Here's a picture of the place we were staying at. After giving the wildlife of Tucson a kiss goodbye, we headed down the desert highway headed for Phoenix. On the way, I'm pretty sure we saw serial killers.

Once we got into town, I was given the tour of Brandon and my late friend Roy's hood. For some reason I was very drawn to this shop that sells rims.

Then it happened. Thousands of miles, too many hours in planes and airports, and a rental car stuck in traffic jams on the highway all finally brought me to the real goal of my traveling. Authentic almost-in-Mexico Mexican food. If you know me at all, you know that food is very important to me, and this meal was memorable. As a matter of fact, now that I'm back home I think I want to go back again just for this.


I was awaken from a deep sleep super early in the morning to people telling me that our friend had returned to a different part of the yard. There really is nothing like a paniced adrenaline surge first thing in the morning. It's far better than coffee. On the way back in, I saw the partridge family having breakfast (more on these later).

Then we went to the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. It's kind of like a zoo but wild things come in too. That lizard was doing pushups. This turns into tequila. Heres's an otter swimming upside down and blowing bubbles, a caterpillar I found roaming around by the water fountain, a humming bird, a prairie dog, a bear, and a mountain lion making fun of tourists. This guy gave an infomative lecture on rattlesnakes and told us one bite can cost as much as $100,000 in medical bills. He was very impressed by the pictures/video of the snake in our yard (which is only about six inches shorter than the largest one on record for that area).

Speaking of snakes, here's another one we found cutting through the one patch of grass in the yard. I introduced it to the one tattooed on my arm. This one doesn't get anywhere near my arm.


We drove (note crazy guy biking a mountain in 100+ degree weather) up part of Mt. Lemmon to see suarao cactus. Look it's a cactus. I'm fully aware that this is the equivalent of someone coming to the midwest and taking pictures of every leafy tree they see, but I'm alright with that...I've never seen so many cactus. Then we stopped and ate crepes from a truck before riding a ski lift up to the top of Mt. Lemmon (9,157 feet above sea-level according to Wikipedia). We then hiked back down to crepe-level but I was too busy looking around and not falling off the side of a mountain to take any good pictures. Here's Nicole being a bear and a horned toad we found. Nicole's brother and I climbed a huge pile of rocks (Where's Waldo), and these guys looked very Arizona to me.

Then we went to see another sunset. Looking at sunsets really is a worth while activity out here. One more.

After dinner and gelato, we went back to the house to walk around the yard and look for more spiders and scorpions in the back yard. On the way back, I though I saw the flashlight beam pass over something suspicious in the rocks along the path. It ended up being this guy with his head up ready to bite Nicole's dad in the leg. I managed to scream "is that a snake?!" (frightened little girl voice) fast enough for Nicole's dad to jump out of striking distance. Of all the crazy/stupid/scary things I've done, that instance introduced me to a whole new realm of other-worldy teffied.


We woke up nauseatingly early to go to the airport before the sun was even up. Then we did this for hours and hours for about two thousand miles.

Finally, we arrived in Tucson and got the rental car we would soon be driving all over the place. Our first stop was to get real tacos with authentic toppings (I hate the gross excuse for tacos we have in the midwest, and premeditated breaking my meatless diet for real Mexican food while we were still planning our trip). In addition to the tacos, we decided to try Sonoran hot dogs. These bacon wrapped hotdogs topped with beans, tomatos, jalapeno, onions, cheese, mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard are the cheesesteak/deep dish pizza of Tucson. The local rivalry between BK Carne Asada & Hot Dogs and El Guero Canelo has even been televised on the big food nerd tv shows. We tried both and liked the flavor of the BK one better.

After that, we met up with Nicole's parents at the guest house we would be staying at for the next few days, then went to Tombstone. It was kind of kitschy and touristy but in the very best way possible. I bought a genuine cowboy hat an antique store and Nicole terrorized the streets in it.

Then it was back to Tucson for our first sunset in Arizona. After the sun goes down, all sorts of creatures come out like tarantulas and scorpions (which naturally luminesce under a black light).

Friday, July 9, 2010


So the first test roll through the little plastic camera we got yesterday didn't go so well. I somehow managed to rip the negatives in the roll as well as underexpose most of the shots that didn't get mangled. On the bright side, I thought this shot came out pretty well, and there's going to be more than enough light in the desert. So with that I'll see you guys in a week. I'll be wearing a cowboy hat, eating tacos, and kicking scorpions in Arizona starting tomorrow. OMG BBL AFK TTYL.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


On my way to my sissy office job this morning, I witnessed what a real man's job entails.

I give this man all together too much of my money.

Continuing the trend of places I eat at too often, we went to the Happy Dog for dinner to see this man make everyone angry. The reactions were incredibly underwhelming.

We also got this little toy to take on the road next week.


Preparing for departure.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Fun with double exposures.


Breakfast with Eric, Tiffany, and the baby before spending the rest of the day on the highway. I already feel like I put in as many miles as some truckers, but things are about to get even wilder next week...


All I could eat veggie dim sum for breakfast (I don't mean to keep talking about vegetarian things, but there's just so much good stuff here). Then I got to fulfill a lifelong goal of being eaten by a colossal squid at the Academy of Natural Sciences. They had a whole show about squids and other deep sea creatures in addition to their other cool stuff. This display initiated a facts-of life conversation between a three year old girl and her father which was one of the best conversations I've ever heard in my whole life. Rahh. It was so super hot outside (97 degrees I think) that people made an awesome water park out of a public fountain. HI!.

We walked around the festivities/sea of people/cops where the firetrucks were making sprinklers so people didn't melt. We hid out in the shade (hopefully this pretty makes up for the dinosaur picture, Nicole).

I saw a little bit of The Roots concert, then parked amid the sea of people and listened to the Goo Goo Dolls play until it got really dark for fireworks (really, what kind of photo blog would this be without the manditory pictures of fireworks). Lily didn't make it that far. Then it was a fun ride home.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Steve's for (vegetarian) cheesesteaks and Rita's for water ice on South street. This scooter rally reminded me that I want a Vespa.

Shopping at the giant four floor flagship of Nicole's favorite store. I was more focused on local tags.

Then back to South street for dinner at Horizons, the best all vegetarian restaurant I've ever eaten at. The food was so good I was too busy eating it to take pictures of anything, but I did take a picture of Eric's boot drink.


Woke up and went to Zern's flea market outside of Philadelphia. Beyond the standard flea market awesome, we found candy, corndogs, cameras, and cheap thrills. She was there, he was there, and they had some Pez.

Then it was downtown for (amazing) dinner at one of Tiffany and Eric's favorite spots. Then gelato on the street for a pretty perfect night.


After work, we spent the evening on the highway headed out to Philadelphia Pennsylvania, just the two of us. Roadtrip symmetry. We journeyed through tunnels and toll booths.

We finally reached our destination and Nicole got her very first look at baby Lily. Then they chatted and caught up over drinks.