Friday, December 10, 2010


So I have a problem. A serious, bad, in-need-of-rehab, "I can't stop buying things off of Craigslist no matter how hard I try" problem. I'm blaming it on all the Treasure Pawn Pickers On A Roadshow shows that I watch, but really I think I'm just still obsessed with getting new toys. And now I don't have any parents to tell me that I already have enough G.I. Joes and make me stop anymore. So today, I fed my addiction and bought an original, unchanged since 1981 PK Ripper. I still kind of can't believe I own something this awesome. It's like a piece of 30 year old BMX history sitting in my house now.

In other news, I finished my paintings tonight. They're going to be in an opening tomorrow night, but I'll give the two of you that actually read this blog a sneak peek.



Nicole's carnivorous plant terrarium that she got for her birthday in March is doing pretty well (at least the Hooded Pitcher Plants are, they're the only ones that grew at all). I like that they're carnivorous and it looks like they have little mouths. Here are some of their baby pictures from 4-26 and 8-17.