Saturday, October 2, 2010


Jetlag/insomnia/Nicole wanting coffee at one in the morning turned into us going adventuring. We got all dressed up (I put on shoes) and drove around looking for anyplace that was open that didn't suck. There is nothing in the suburbs open past one that doesn't suck...other than Swensons. Swensons is the best junk food place in the whole state...maybe even the whole world. We got "Xango" deep fried cheesecake things, coffee and a pumpkin milkshake. Then we cased an airport, futilely attempted to take pictures of stars, and poked around a cemetary in the middle of the night.

After bed/a nap/whatever...I woke up and saw our tenant trying to hide under my car, a huge turkey vulture, then went to eat/antiquing with Nicole and Doug. Doug and I went on a safari and found a killer typeface for a product logo.

Dinner was this but I probably should have eaten here instead.

He was waiting for us when we got home.