Saturday, April 30, 2011


We thought today would be a good day to shoot film cameras. Nicole decided to try out the Nikon FG that I got for $5 for the first time, and I used my grandfather's Leica M4. No matter which cameras we use, we always just end up taking pictures of our cats doing stuff like and making funny faces. Nicole was using a macro lens, so she could get super close to things to take closeup shots of cool stuff like morels. I just take pictures of Nicole. I wouldn't mind if all we ever do is hunt for mushrooms and wear funny headbands while taking pictures in the woods forever. We did find the biggest snapping turtle I've ever seen in my life. Nicole took pictures of it while in her picture taking stance. We keep secrets.

Ok, so we don't just go mushroom hunting all the time. We also go to carnivals and fairs. Especially if there are appearances by the Mantua Paotato (anarchy?) Queen, brides in a monster truck, and games. The Geauga County Maple Festival has all of this in celebration of maple syrup, maple sugar candy, and deep fried foods on sticks. I love everything about this. Nicole likes elephant ears, lemonade, and classy looking danger. For some strange reason, no one really wanted the sausage. This is why I shoot color film. Speaking of anarchy earlier, I guess smoking pipes is punk rock. Ok, I took too many pictures that I can't explain well. The only thing to know is that the very best thing about the whole festival is real maple cotton candy. If you've ever read my blog before, you know how Nicole feels about cotton candy. She loves it almost as much as I love this ring.

Another thing that I love is fire. We haven't built a fire in our back yard in years, but we had friends over to have fun and burn up the mountain of sticks that have been living on my deck for all those years since the last time we built a fire. I was pretty happy about burning sticks and made Nicole take weird pictures of me to celebrate.