So last weekend, we went to Akron to try a locally famous cheeseburger place. This weekend, Nicole insisted we continue the tour and go to Skyway Drive-In to eat more cheeseburgers. I'm a big fan of classic Americana style fast food drive-ins where you park outside and they run to the car to take your order. I'm especially fond of the trays that attach to your car kind of like the speakers at a drive-in movie theater. Now the thing about Skyway is that its territory overlaps with that of Swensons. Bloods/Crips, Coke/Pepsi, Nikon/Canon...you know the deal. While impressed that their cheeseburgers were very good, way better than 90% of popular national fast food chains, Swensons still wins for sure. Between the signature burgers, The Gally Boy is just better than the Sky Hi (pictured above), and the onion rings and fried mushrooms just seemed too oily at Skyway. I would still say that this place is worth checking out though.
As not to exclusively blog about food all the time, here's an arty and pretty typical picture of Nicole from today.