Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I have absolutely no interest in children. As a result, I have incredibly spoiled cats. So spoiled that they've broken two fresh water fountain things so far, and each time we get them a newer and better replacement. Now that they're on their third iteration, they've moved up to a stainless steel version that's much nicer than any of our real kitchen appliances. I really wanted to get a picture of Mushroom drinking out of it (because she pretty much refuses to drink stagnant water), but she pretty much refuses to drink when I want her to also.

I keep saying that the mushroom pictures are done for the season, but tonight we cooked the very last of the ones we didn't dehydrate. So this year, we've sauteed them in butter, made pizzas, and breaded and pan fried them. Tonight we made the last recipe we've been wanting to make. Cream of Morel Mushroom Soup.