Saturday, December 4, 2010


Have you had a morning bun from Starbucks? Ask them to warm it up first, it's pretty much the best way to start a lazy, do-nothing-important Saturday. We went looking around for things in places we don't normally...or probably shouldn't ever go. Then we did some Christmas shopping for ourselves. I like cylindrical things that come in boxes.


I took another Friday off work to day drink paint. This is a habit I could definitely get used to.

If you know me at all, you know that I'm pretty much crazy and obsessive compulsive, but only about really weird things. At the beginning of the year, I determined that I would eat every one of the monthly special sandwiches at Melt for the whole year. In addition to these monthly specials, they started doing weekend specials in honor of certain movies playing at local indie theaters...I decided to eat all of these too. Tonight, I completed my mission with the December sandwich and the Big Lebowski themed (vegetarian) meatball with fried mozzarella cheese stick sandwich.* It even came with another plastic toy to put on my desk at work.

*I feel the need to mention that Nicole and I shared and only ate halves at a time.