Monday, May 24, 2010


We finally got our bikes out again and rode them to the park to go foraging. We looked for wild garlic and ramps which grow naturally in the woods out here. If a mommy onion and a daddy garlic loved each other very much and had a romatic grownup night together, they would make a little baby ramp.

Speaking of babies, while we were at the park we saw a painted turtle laying its eggs. Then Nicole made a "stuff we found growing in the woods" dinner with the things we harvested tonight and some morel mushrooms.

Finally, to the people who didn't end up on this site by accident and know of our ongoing skunk saga, we had out first definite skunk sighting tonight. If anyone has any ideas what to do if we see this bastard again, let me know. I wish I had a gun instead of a camera tonight...


I got to spend the day with friends I already miss while Nicole had fun taking pictures. I probably won't see Brandon for another three years.

On the way back home, we frantically rushed back to Nicole's favoite winery before it closed for the night. She almost cried when we got there and the door was locked (even though we made it in their posted hours), but I managed to get someone in the kitchen to let us in and sell us wine. Nicole was pretty happy about that.


I got my nails done after breakfast with the big homie. Then hung out under a bridge in a hardcore downpour with Ben and Paul. Then I left my camera at home for the party at night, but I think that was a better choice for everyone.


So the thing I've spent the last week cutting paper/gluing things to is a skateboard that's in an art show at my friend's skate shop (this was not a squid/octopus themed show, it just happened that way). So I took the day off to pack up and get ready before Nicole got off work. When I'm home alone I eat like a vegetarian eight year old.

As soon as we got there, I saw the flyers I designed for the two events this weekend. Having commercials you made on TV is pretty much nothing compared to being up on a skate shop corkboard. Then I saw my friend Brandon who I hadn't seen in almost three years.