Sunday, June 26, 2011


Today, I'm running my second 5k race ever. We signed up last minute because it's in a fancy nature tree place and we thought it would be pretty to look at while gasping for breath until our legs exploded and stopped working. From what I can remember seeing though the tears and hyperventilation, it was beautiful. As discussed previously, running with a giant camera is both impossible and stupid, so the picture of Nicole crossing the finish line above is all that you get. I took this picture of the awards in case a picture was all I get, but Nicole went two for two and won an award again. If you can believe it, I bribed this gnome to make me run fast, and I won an award too! Really, spend some time looking at that very special picture, because I'm pretty sure I won't be holding many other running prizes very often (if ever) again.

Since the race was at a nature place, I'm sure you're already expecting random nature pictures of things like snakes and mushrooms and frogs. You're right. What I'm sure none of us expected was what I saw when I got home and put the pictures on my computer. This is really gross, so fair warning. I zoomed into that frog picture 100% because I thought I saw something weird. Yeah, that's three mosquitoes sucking themselves full of (visible) frog blood while peeing(?) at the same time. Sometimes I think my camera equipment is a little too good. Here's some cool looking tree bark to make up for the gross picture.

After running and nature time, we went to bbbb-brrrr-unch where I quickly ate back all the calories I burned that morning plus a few extra. Don't judge me.

Back home, our fireplace mantle has fancy new additions!