Sunday, June 6, 2010


The organic strawberries Victor gave us are growing like crazy now.

So a few years ago I got really interested in jeans and the textile aspects of denim. Ever since, I'm a total weirdo about wearing obscure jeans from Japan which require special soaking and treatment before wearing. That being said, getting a new pair of jeans is like Christmas.

We spent the rest of the day doing super exciting stuff like buying socks and getting toys intended for humans for our cats.

This is how Nicole and I pass notes in restaurants when we don't want people to hear us making fun of them.


Keeping my trend of going out of town every weekend, we went to the state track meet in Columbus to see Nicole's dad's team. Beyond the actual event, we definitely went to a people zoo:

"Hey son, have you seen my tshirt with the pot leaf and skulls? I want to wear it to your high school track meet...oh, nevermind, here it is."

Little camera huge guy/Huge camera little guy

Isn't camoflage supposed to help you blend in? (x2)

This ponytail has been alive longer than I have...and better cared for.

Sometimes I think I should keep a video blog instead of shot does not do this woman justice.

Then we went to the best ice cream place in the world before going home.


I fully intend on going to rehab for obsessivly buying things off of Craigslist. The only beneficial side effect of this addiction is driving all over the place and randomly seeing cool stuff like the sign above. Nicole doesn't like Craigslist, she just likes to shop. We didn't eat at the Diamond Grille, but instead went to a place that apparently serves gallons of mayonnaise every day.