Friday, October 1, 2010


Sunburn has me shedding like a snake.

Shark sandwiches for lunch. My shark was a vegetarian and my sandwich was pretty much made out of tofu...but the one in the background was made out of real mako shark.

P.s. since this is a new month, I'm trying something new. All of my main pictures this month are going to be black and white and shot with just my 35 1.8 with as little post processing as possible (hopefully none). Part of me feels like I'm making an already difficult project even harder, but I think that considering just light and contrast instead of random colorful things will make me focus on taking better and more techincal images. Also, just having one lens will further simplify my picture making process and make me concentrate on more important things things like subject and composition. We'll see if any of this works at all or if this is just a terrible idea. I appologize in advance though if my blog suddenly turns obnoxiously arty and dramatic. I'm sure I'll post plenty of silly extra pictures in color to make up for it like my blue plastic shark.