Thursday, October 7, 2010


Nicole got super good Cavs tickets as an early halloween present from her job. So we went with Tony and Barb to see Moondog (the only real star left on the Cavs). We saw really big guys put balls in holes and saw my new favorite big guy, a seven foot tall asian. The biggest asian I've ever seen in my whole entire life. There were also lots of vendors, but this guy was Nicole's favorite (oh yeah, she has black hair now). Other favorites, and I think one of the only real reasons to go to sporting events, included junk food and vegetarian junk food.

Ok, so this is where things get real serious. At every basketball game that I've ever attended since I was a little kid, they always have guys that throw things into the crowd. It's like the pop-flys of basketball that you wait the whole game to maybe have a chance to catch. I ain't caught nothing never (though I do have a childhood recollection of finding a gross discarded mini-basketball under the dirty seats that I picked up and refused to throw away regardless of the spilled beer-germs growing all over it...this may have even happened at the Mark Price-era Colosseum). Tony clearly has better fortune than I do, and fulfilled every child's dream of catching a tee shirt at a game. Granted it may not have been the most attractive shirt and was more than likely the wrong size, but it was pretty much like catching gold.

Other notables were some fameous guy that everyone seemed to care about but we had no idea who he was, and the peppy but not-so-intelligent cheerleader that forgot her choreography and dropped her pom poms...more than once.

Then we went on a mission to harass Moondog. Though plush (and sweaty), Moondog doesn't understand the concept of focal length and minimum focus distance. At all.

P.s. There may or may not be film shots to add to this post later. Film is just better.

Someone please photoshop me into where my coat is...I'm too lazy.
My favorite big asian.
Well this one's just kind of hard to explain.