Friday, November 4, 2011


One of my favorite things to do is to play tour guide for people visiting Cleveland. I think there are a lot of interesting things here that are really slept on by locals, and super fun for out of towners. Although incredibly well traveled for a baby (actually she's better traveled than a lot of adults I know), Baby Lily hasn't been exposed to a lot of Cleveland stuff. So continuing our preparatory quest for carbs, I invited her to Sokolowskis for perogi. I'll let you watch all the Food Network clips on YouTube if you don't already know about the place, but suffice to say, the food tastes about a million times better than it looks. Baby Lily is a bit of a drinker, so after dinner I took her to buy a case of another Cleveland thing that people go nuts over. Big things are happening tomorrow, so I'm going to go soak my legs in the tub now while Baby Lily finishes up the last of her 24 pack.