Sunday, April 18, 2010


I seem to be attracted to lawn ornaments today. Just 'cause.

Also, since I'm unable to bend my arm all the way for the next week, this will be the first day of Point and Shoot Snapshot Week.


Most of today spent getting this stuff embedded in my skin forever by these things.


I drove out to Erie, PA to hang out with friends and get tattooed.

I really hated that city the first few times I went out there, but it's grown on me immensely. The way motivated people are able to really capitalize and exploit the apparent negatives of a second rate city is really impressive to me. For example, the the local skateboarders somehow managed to procure super prime realestate right in the middle of their downtown, and are converting it into an diy indoor skatepark. I can't imagine how expensive/political this would be to do in any other place, but out there it's totally happening. And that's just one of the many projects that people I know have going on.