We took an overnight flight to LA due to two delays. Eric looked very artistic and slightly religous in the airport.
This is waking up for the first morning in Los Angeles. The first thing we decided to do was go to Pink's in Hollywood. Now understand, my travels, and pretty much my whole life are goverened by the Food Network. I watch it when I'm at home and obsess about trying all the different places whenever I'm out of town. The roots of this horrible obession stem back over ten years to when I was a kiddo living in my parent's house. They didn't have cable so I would often watch shows on PBS since local TV just sucks. During this time there was a show exclusivly about various hot dog places across the country. Pink's was heavily featured in this program and I think I've wanted to go there every since. So all these years later, I stood in this line, watched her assemble my hot dog, and nomed this all up (with Nicole's help). After eating, it was very sunny and Derf took it upon himself to shield Nicole's sunburn from the harsh rays.
Next, we went to the Griffith Observatory. My now transplanted friend Mark observed at the observatory. I observed the cityscape and the Hollywood sign. I think my favorite thing though was the giant plastic planets, though my camera nerd side was excited to see this. I'm pretty sure Nicole's favorite thing was this local lizard that moved here to be an actress.
We dropped Mark back home, then went to sushi for dinner with my Aunt that Nicole had never met.
Stella Was a Diver and She Was Always Down.