We woke up to Cleveland weather this morning, but then Hawaii remembered it's supposed to have perfect weather at all times and fixed itself before we got to Hanauma (I guess calling it "Hanauma bay" is redundant). Lots of tiny people come from all over the place (Japan) and wear bright colors to go snorkeling from the beach here. Less publicized, there are flocks of ravenous pigeons here that will eat all your belongings even if you throw sand at them. Needless to say, we followed the Japanese tourist into the bay for a day of snorkeling.
I took more pictures of fish:
Noming fish noming.
Girl fish
Giant freaking eel that swam less than a foot away from Nicole and I and scared us so bad that I might have peed...then chased Nicole around while I tried to take pictures of it.
Fish with buck teeth
Subtle color pallate fish
Asian fish with stripes
Black fish with Asian stripes
Another shot of buck tooth fish's buck teeth
Running away fish
Rainbow colored fish with another fish's head
I'm not good at naming this many fish
Spotty fish
Pointy tailded fish
Tiny baby fish
Girl fish from below
Inverted colorway fish
Parrot fish looks like it's going to nom the inverted colorway fish
Other spotty fish
All these fishes were just warmup for probably the coolest fish we saw all day (eels don't count as fish)...the porcupine puffer fish! On my last big trip, I almost got eaten by a rattlesnake. Though not as poisonous as the snake (because you have to eat the fish to get poisoned instead of the fish eating you), it was pretty exciting get this close to another animal that has the potential to kill me. Look at these spines.
To the two of you have have read my blog more than once, you might know that I've been collecting pictures of me jumping akwardly in exciting locations (the Indians' stadium, The Grand Canyon etc.). I think this one wins so far for most akward and creepy. I think the creepy can be attributed to the Marc Jacobs swim shorts which I only wore because they were such a topic of discussion amongst everyone on the trip. I think it was more out of punishment for everyone else than anything.
Then we drove up a mountain on the windyest road I've ever been on. We then observed at the observation point. The giant volcanic crater thing is Diamond Head (more on that later). More observing while getting eaten by mosquitos.
Then it was back down the mountain and off to Helena's Hawiian Food for real deal authentic food (which also happned to have been on Food Network). I continued my meat eating binge (the hanging meat, not the restaurant owner) and ate all of this. I think it was my favorite meal in Hawaii.
By the time we got back to the resort, our sunburns from a day of bobbing around like buoys at Hanauma had set in. Since everyone was sunburnt and lazy, we did a pickup run from Zippy's (which someone described as the McDonald's of Hawaii). It's very fast foodish but they have a multicultural assortment on the menu ranging from Japanese chicken katsu to tofu burgers to chilli fries and spam and rice.