Saturday, October 9, 2010


Today we went for a fourteen mile bike ride on a path that goes under big bridges. Yay! Bridge! On the way, I may or may not have had a small accident involving a tree stump, my front brake, flying like a lead bird, and the gross black swamp that runs next to the path. Luckly there are no pictures of what may or may not have happened, but let's just say that it was far worse than the 3-21 Swamp of Sorrows incident.

The day quickly improved when I recieved unsolicited bribe money in the mail from some survey company. Then we had a "say farewell to summer weather" (probably) last dinner on a patio for the year at Momocho.

This picture of a classy gal shopping for 40s is my favorite picture of the day, but it doesn't count for black and white month.