Wednesday, August 11, 2010


There was really weird light outside, so Nicole and I went out in the yard and looked around. As it started to get dark, we found a toad living in our flower bed, and the biggest Wolf spider nest I've ever seen. Then I thought it would be a good idea to Terry-Richardson-esque blast Nicole with flash when we went to get ice cream. Then I Terry Richardson-ed the toad on our steps when we got home.


When we first got our second cat, we had to buy a timed automatic feeder since the new one eats like a Shop-Vac with no off switch. This was a bummer for our first cat, Sienna since she always had access to food whenever she wanted it ever since she was a kitten (and knows not to eat a day's worth of food all at once). Luckly she's far smarter than the new cat and quickly figured out the machine and learned to feed herself as much as she wants now (this is the same technique she used to break our printer). The new cat still thinks that repeatedly meowing at the machine will eventually make it give up its goods.