I blog a lot about food and all the weird stuff I eat. Oddly however, running now has me "eating"
even weirder "food." I'm really not sure if I've unwittingly crossed some weird social barrier, but I'm pretty much down for whatever if it enables me to not die during our upcoming race. Speaking of which, Nicole and I went to scout out the
course and to check out the
competition. Clearly
we're outmatched.
So this part is pretty exciting. Tonight, we went to
one of the coolest, historic places I've been to that wasn't a museum to watch our
friends get
married. We like them both a lot, so watching them
making things official was really fun.
really fun was the reception. Nicole makes me watch horrible TLC wedding shows on a regular basis, so I would like to think that I appreciate
nice little details that I probably shouldn't.
This picture is really funny and hard to explain. Yay!
First dance. Still
dancing. You may wonder how she had such great dancing endurance. I'm pretty positive it had
something to do with these shoes. This is from the
Matron of Honor speech that
pictures don't really document the full humor of. I
always take pictures of memorable food. This is a
picture of bustling. I've been intrigued by this process ever since Nicole amazed me at our wedding when I turned around and thought she magically changed dresses somehow. It's like Transformers but for wedding dresses.
Still dancing.
I'm not a big
really I can't do it at all dancer, but I do like old things and exploring, so it's pretty obvious what would happen if you let me loose in an
antique building that housed a Civil War era
gentleman's club. Look at
these guys. They're all so classy, even their pictures were judging the crazy long-hairded Asian hippie with the camera. And I don't blame them. In any case, I led an expedition party to the
elusive fourth floor in search of
hidden doors and
secret passageways. We really just found
a fancy space with breakfast cereal. And this
really awesome plane! Hey look, I'm playing with something worth more than I am that's signed by
Cleveland art/design royalty. I'm really glad that I didn't break that plane. If I did, I would have
blamed it on these guys. I would have blamed a lot of things on those guys actually. I blame those guys for
this picture being a little blurry, but it's still one of my favorite pictures from the whole year.
We came back to
even more dancing! If I could dance at all, I probably would have done it all night too just to look at that floor alone. You know how drunk girls always take off their heels when they blame their shoes for not being able to walk? Well,
that excuse doesn't work as well for boys. Boys
with flowers. Nicole made it back down the stairs
shoes intact. That only means that she probably needs
one last drink for the night, so we went to one of the
classiest bars around since we were so well dressed.