Monday, August 29, 2011


We made it and we're alive. We even managed to make it though customs, and I stumbled though enough broken-highschool-level-French to get us through the train station to our hotel (this is a much bigger deal than I care to explain). More importantly, our hotel is above a boulangerie which bakes croissants and pain au chocolat. I would be totally fine with spending all my moneys on pasteries.

After carbing up, we were generously tour guided around by Nicole's relatives. I though it would be mostly rude to shove a camera in their faces though, so I shoved my camera in stranger's and local dog's faces instead. Walking along the Seine is supposed to be romantical. That's not New York in the background. Paris has a smaller Statue of Liberty replica (or Statue of Anarchy) like the one in New York. Paris also has a larger replica of the Eiffel Tower like the one in Las Vegas. I was interested to see that these people live in tents along the river. I was also interested to see this woman at all.

Beyond showing us where not to get robbed, Nicole's family also was nice enough to cook us a real French meal for dinner. This is Raclette. It's named after a type of cheese and is delicious. You can read about it on Wikipedia. This is wine. That's on Wikipedia too.

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